Bind Consumer to Anchor

To activate your bridge, there are several steps left to finish the whole process:

  1. Fetch the Anchor address, pass it as a constructor parameter and deploy your application contract (should have implemented BoolConsumerBase.sol). An application contract example can be found here.

  2. Get the address of your application, and go back to your Dashboard. Click View and Update to have your application connected to a selected Anchor

  3. You may encounter a misconfiguration error here, which implies that either your application does not implement BoolConsumerBase.sol or the anchor address in your application does not match the currently selected one.

  4. Please refer to our repo at and follow the steps in the section TokenBridge-3 to configure remote anchors.

  5. If everything goes perfectly, you can now send your first cross-chain message and monitor the lifecycle of a message on BoolScan later.

Last updated