Run a chain via snapshot

Workflow of running a chain node

  • Download snapshot

tar -xzvf kubo_v0.29.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd kubo/
sudo install -C ipfs /usr/local/bin/
ipfs init
nohup ipfs daemon >> ipfs.log &
ipfs get QmarXGUefS13Kve52iLraMwP2VHU93yzkB8Lj8z8yhPLqw
  • Replace data

QmarXGUefS13Kve52iLraMwP2VHU93yzkB8Lj8z8yhPLqw has been downloaded. Unzip the node-data.tar.gz to the specified chain node data directory, replace the original data directory node-data, and then restart the chain service node. Assume that your link node data directory is ~/bool-beta-testnode

mv ~/bool-beta-testnode/node-data ~/bool-beta-testnode/node-data_old
tar -zxvf kubo/QmarXGUefS13Kve52iLraMwP2VHU93yzkB8Lj8z8yhPLqw/node-data.tar.gz  -C ~/bool-beta-testnode/
  • (Optional) Modify docker-compose.yaml

Modify the node's docker-compose.yaml configuration to remove --state-pruning archive and --block-pruning archive

sed -i '/--state-pruning archive/d;/--blocks-pruning archive/d' docker-compose.yaml
  • Start the chain service node

docker-compose up -d

Last updated