For DHC Voter

Any tBOL holders can participate in the voting progress of DHC nodes to share the staking rewards by delegating their tBOL.

Vote Nodes

Click on the "Vote&Stake" button on the right of the statistics cards, select the DHC nodes that need to participate (multiple selection is supported), input the quantity of tBOL delegating on the node, and submit a voting transaction.

Please be aware of the voting limits below.

  • The maximum quantity for a single DHC node is 2400 voters

  • The minimum voting quantity of each DHC node is 200 tBOL

For example, if you are voting 4 DHC nodes once, you need to stake at least 800 tBOL.

Note: choose wisely if you want to farm the maximum return from your staking. Here are some useful tips for you.

  • "Standby": Consider it as a community support option.

  • "Service": It is a wise option for all new voters as you can start farming ASAP from the next rewards era.

  • "Exiting": Forget about it. It is a bad option if you are not an Owner.

Change Staking

Click the "Update Stake" button, then change the quantity down or up and submit a transaction.

Note: the changes will only take effect on-chain until the next era. Please be patient for waiting up to about 60 minutes.

Rewards Distribution

In each reward era, the staking rewards will be given automatically to the wallet address, depending on the share percentage of the total staking.

Last updated