Other operations

Enable a new chain

Our AMT bridge is not limited to a bidirectional channel, multiple blockchains can be integrated into a single bridge. However, the maximal number of chains to be included in a bridge depends on how many networks are currently supported by Bool Network. A list of supported chains can be found here.

The following graphs provide a guide to adding new chains to a created bridge:

  1. Clicking the Settings button:

  2. Clicking the Add button to deploy Anchor contract on a new chain. Do remember to create a new committee before this operation.

  3. Update your bridge by hitting Submit.

Update consumer contract

A bridge builder has the right to update the application contract of an Anchor when the application contract has been upgraded on one chain. Alternatively, the builder can choose to build another AMT bridge to support his new application.

NOTE that updating a consumer contract address means that messages from the previous consumer contract will not be processed by Bool Network anymore since an anchor can be connected to one consumer contract only.

Last updated