Local LAN Configuration for SGX

To realize local LAN Configuration for SGX, you need to start a local LAN PCCS service locally or on the LAN, and then change the pccs_url in the sgx_default_qcnl.conf file on all local DHC nodes to the local LAN PCCS link (for example, if the PCCS service is deployed on host1, then it should be "pccs_url": "https://host1:8081/sgx/certification/v4/").

You may refer to the steps for more details:

Applying for an Intel API Key

You'll need to acquire an Intel API key to utilize Intel's Software Development Kit (SDK) for Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions). This key grants you access to Intel's resources and enables you to develop and deploy SGX-based applications.


  1. Create an Intel Developer Zone Account: If you don't already have one, create an account on the Intel Developer Zone website.

  2. Navigate to the Intel API Key Management Page: Once logged in, go to the Intel API Key Management page.

  3. Select the "Intel SGX SDK" Product: Choose the "Intel SGX SDK" product from the list of available products.

  4. Provide Required Information: Fill out the requested information, including your name, organization, and project details.

  5. Submit the Request: Review the information you've provided and submit the request. Intel will evaluate your request and notify you of the outcome.

Installing a Local LAN PCCS Service

curl -fsSL https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx_repo/ubuntu/intel-sgx-deb.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx_repo/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) main"
sudo curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo apt install cracklib-runtime -y
sudo apt-get install sgx-dcap-pccs libsgx-dcap-default-qpl

During the installation process, enter the API key you applied for earlier, and set a password for PCCS. Here, we will use "pccs12345678" as an example.

Once you have completed the above steps, you can skip the remaining steps by simply pressing the Enter key.

The above steps indicate that the PCCS service installation is complete. However, upon restarting the service, the following error message is encountered:


Step 1. Install the register tool for SGX

sudo apt install sgx-pck-id-retrieval-tool

Step 2. Modify the configuration file

cat /opt/intel/sgx-pck-id-retrieval-tool/network_setting.conf


Step 3. Use the PCK ID Retrieval Tool

systemctl status pccs

Step 4. Enable the SGX function

If the error message persists, you may need to reseat the motherboard battery, reset the machine's BIOS, and re-enable the SGX feature, as shown in the following image:

Step 5. Run the PCK ID Retrieval Tool

Keep running the tool until the registration has been done.

Step 6. Start the DHC node processes

Once SGX registration is successful, you can start the DHC node processes. However, due to data caching, you may encounter the following error message upon the first attempt:

Try more attempts until the registration has been done.

Last updated