For DHC Owner

View Devices

After completing the configuration with the cloud server, you can use the node client to configure your device. The system will automatically show the device of the corresponding cloud server according to the connected wallet address (tBOL is required as the gas). The default status is "Standby".

Stake Node

Option 1. Click the "Launch" button in the device's menu and the system will automatically calculate the remaining tBOL to meet the requirement for the DHC node.

Option 2. Click the "Vote&Stake" button to vote 20000 tBOL for the node you own.

Option 3. Click the "Vote&Stake" button to start with 10000 tBOL and wait for other voters to join the crowdfunding progress until 100%.

Please be aware of the node limits below.

  • The minimum staking for a DHC Owner is 10000 tBOL

  • The minimum requirement for a DHC node to join the service is 20000 tBOL

Join Service

When the node staking threshold is met, the node service of the current device can be formally activated by clicking the "Join Service" button in the device's menu. Then the device will turn into the "Service" status, which means it has joined the DHC service network.

Note: the image version of the device must be the latest or the device will not be able to join service.

Checkout Rewards

If the node operates without anomalies such as disconnections, the node rewards will be released automatically at the end of every reward era. You can check out the total rewards on the statistics cards and the device rewards from the device list respectively.

Note: The reward distribution ERA of DHC nodes is 1,200 blocks, about 60 minutes.

Manage Device

Users can perform the administrative operations such as:

  • "Launch": do a quick staking to meet the minimum requirement of the device for the owner;

  • "Join Service": join the current device to the DHC service network. Please note that your device must be updated to the latest version or it may fail to join the service. The button will be displayed when the minimum requirement for a DHC node to join the service is done;

  • "Update Commission": change the commission rate. The higher the rate is, the more rewards will be distributed to the owner's address;

  • "Refuse New Voters": stop receiving the stakings from new voters;

  • "Allow New Voters": allow receiving the stakings from new voters;

  • "Remove Device Voters": remove the voters from the current ;

  • "Exit Service": apply to exit the current device from the DHC service network. The button is only displayed in the "service" status;

  • "Remove Device": shun down the device from the DHC lists in any status. Here are the consequences: 1. 1000 tBOL will be charged as the punishment which will be deducted from the owner's staking shares if you perform in the status of "Service" or "Exiting" as a force quit. 2. All the staking of tBOL will be returned to the voters' wallet address. 3. The current device will be removed from the DHC device lists. 4. All the node income of the current era collected on-chain will be burned directly as a punishment.

Note: The operations like "Launch", "Update Commission" and "Remove Device Voters" above need to wait until the next rewards era to be activated.

Stop Service

Please follow the following steps one by one if you want to stop the node service:

  1. The owner can exit the DHC network by "Exit service" to change the device status to "Exiting" without penalty or perform a forced quit directly by "Remove Device" with a forced quit penalty to get the refund immediately.

  2. If choose to exit without penalty, you will need to wait for up to one day which is 144 heartbeat circles to complete the exiting process and the device status will be changed to "Standby".

  3. Click the "Remove Device" button to remove your device and get your tBOL refund from the current device. Removing the device with "Standby" status will not incur a penalty.

  4. Shut down the physical device or the cloud server when all the above actions are completed. You can log in to the cloud service client like Microsoft Cloud and delete the virtual machine you purchased to prevent the cloud service provider from deducting fees.

The Punishment

Here are some important rules for the owner:

  • Disconnect Penalty: The device is required to keep the heartbeat connections per heartbeat cycle which lasts 10 mins. The failure of disconnection for more than 2 heartbeat cycles will result in a penalty of 10 tBOL per heartbeat cycle. The penalty will be only charged to the owner.

  • Forced Quit Penalty: 1000 tBOL will be charged as the forced quit penalty when the owner decides to perform "Remove Device". The penalty will be only charged to the owner.

  • Automatic Exit: The system will auto-perform "Exit Service" for the devices that disconnect for more than 10 heartbeat cycles. There will only be a penalty for not submitting a heartbeat connection. However, the device with the exiting status still needs to submit heartbeat connections.

Last updated