Roadmap and milestones

Explore Bool Network's ambitious roadmap and significant milestones

January 2024

  • Decentralized Index Deployment: Release the decentralized index system to enhance the decentralization of BRC20.

  • Optimization of BTC to Layer2 Cross-Chain Bridge: Complete the optimization of the cross-chain bridge from Bitcoin to Layer2 network to improve interaction efficiency and reliability.

  • Completion of Economic Model Design: Finalize the design of Bool Network's economic model, ensuring the rationality of incentive mechanisms and inflation patterns.

  • Whitepaper/Yellowpaper Release: Publish the whitepaper and yellowpaper of Bool Network, providing detailed explanations of the network's design principles, technical implementations, and development vision.

  • Integration of TEE Environment in Testnet: Integrate Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) into the testnet to enhance network security and privacy.

February 2024

  • Release of BRC20 Cross-Chain Bridge: Launch the BRC20 cross-chain bridge, facilitating a secure and efficient exchange of assets between Layer2 and Bitcoin.

  • Bridge Contract Audit: Conduct an audit of the cross-chain bridge contract to ensure contract robustness and security.

  • Bitcoin Taproot Escape Hatch Test Version Release: Release a test version of the Bitcoin Taproot escape hatch to ensure compatibility with the Bitcoin mainnet.

  • Alpha Testnet Launch: Initiate the alpha version of the testnet, inviting the community and developers to participate in testing and provide feedback.

March 2024

  • Release of Economic Model Test Version: Release a test version of the economic model for community members to evaluate and provide feedback.

  • Release of Data Availability Layer Test Version: Release a test version of the Data Availability layer to ensure reliable retrieval of Layer2 data even in the event of issues on Layer2.

April 2024

  • Beta Testnet Launch: Launch the beta version of the testnet for more extensive testing, collecting user experience and performance feedback.

  • Release of Test Version for Forced Exit Module: Release a test version of the Forced Exit module to ensure the reliability of withdrawal operations.

May 2024

  • Release of Bool Stack: Introduce Bool Stack, offering tools and services to simplify the development process for developers.

  • Integration Testing of Bool Network: Conduct integration testing of Bool Network to ensure the collaborative operation of different components and overall stability.

  • Performance Optimization of Bool Network: Optimize the performance of Bool Network to enhance throughput and response speed.

June 2024

  • Core Code Audit of Bool Network: Conduct a core code audit to ensure code quality and security.

  • Security Audit of Bool Network: Perform a security audit to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities.

  • Open Source of Bool Network DHC Code: Open source the code for Bool Network's Dynamic Hide Committee (DHC) to encourage community participation and review.

July 2024

  • Mainnet Launch of Bool Network: Officially launch the Bool Network mainnet, allowing users to begin transactions and utilize various functionalities on a stable network.

August 2024 and after

  • Bitcoin Staking: Hold Bitcoin, Earn Altcoin Yield.

Last updated