Create committees

1.Connect your wallet to BoolScan's Dashboard.

2.Click + button on the "Committee" section to start creating a committee.

3. One can configure the number of MPC nodes (which is labelled as "Member") to control a committee. In general, the number of committee members is positively correlated to the security level while it conversely delays the average time for processing cross-chain messages.

By clicking on Submit, a user is required to send a transaction to create a committee and record the committee information on the Bool chain.

NOTE that the current Bool testnet only supports a small size of committee members, such as 3 or 5. A higher configuration of the committee members may raise the warning of Insufficient devices!

4. When the preceding transaction has been submitted, a user should be able to view his newly created committee in his Dashboard.

Primary information for a committee has been provided once the creation transaction is completed. The name of each committee is initially given as default while the committee creator can change the name to a meaningful one, such as "the prospective bridge/application name" + "the blockchain id".

5. Configurations! You have mastered how to create an ECDSA-type committee in Bool Network. However, please note that a committee can only be used once in Bool Network which means that at least two committees are required to be created before building a bridge.

  • Just created one committee? Why not go above and try the creation process again?

  • Have owned more than two committees? Forward to the next page and build an AMT bridge!

Remind that each committee manages a private key in Bool Network. At the creation stage of a committee, a unique private key will be assigned to it and instantly distributed into fragments that are stored in the TEE hardware of its MPC-based members. The number of fragments equals the number of committee members.

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