You can create a new wallet address directly within the browser plugin wallet like MetaMask and export the private key for later use.
Remote SSH server login
To log into the SSH server via the account password set when purchasing the server and the public IPv4 address automatically assigned to the instance by the cloud service provider.
Option 1. The built-in system terminal:
For Mac systems and native Linux systems, you can use the built-in terminal simulator to log in.
For Windows systems, you can use the built-in PowerShell tool to log in. You need to run PowerShell as administrator and install the OpenSSH plugin. The plugin installation tutorial link is as Get started with OpenSSH for Windows
login Method: After opening the terminal, enter "ssh username@public IP address" (e.g. ssh test@, then enter the password according to the prompt to complete the login.
Option 2. The third-party SSH login tools:
Third-party SSH login tools such as Xshell, PuTTY, SimpleRemote, Terminus, etc. You can refer to the relevant product tutorials to log in by yourself.
Option 3. The built-in server method of cloud service:
Different cloud service providers may provide their online server management consoles, through which you can log in graphically, such as logging in to EC2 instances on Amazon Web Services through the EC2 console page. Please refer to the help documents provided by each cloud service provider.
Install runtime environment
# Install the Docker runtime environment
sudo curl -fsSL | bash -s docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start docker
# Check if the Docker service started correctly
sudo systemctl status docker
# Use "ctrl+c" to resume command status
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
docker version
# Download the docker-compose program
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# Install docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose --version
Create a node storage directory and startup file
Exposing the node's external IP is important to increase DHC's stability
--public-addr <PUBLIC_ADDR>...
Public address that other nodes will use to connect to this node.
This can be used if there's a proxy in front of this node.
PUBLIC_ADDR example: "/ip4/"
# Create a node storage catalog
mkdir -p bool-beta-testnode/node-data
# Enter the node storage catalog
cd bool-beta-testnode
# Adjust user permissions
chmod 777 node-data
# Add a configuration file
# You can also use "cat > docker-compose.yaml" first and then use "vim docker-compose.yaml"
# Then paste the the remaining code between "<<EOF" and "EOF" and do save it.
cat > docker-compose.yaml <<EOF
version: "3"
image: boolnetwork/bnk-node:v0.11.9
restart: always
RUST_LOG: info
- "./node-data:/data"
command: |
--enable-offchain-indexing true
--rpc-methods Unsafe
--rpc-cors all
--rpc-max-connections 100000
--pool-limit 100000
--pool-kbytes 2048000
--tx-ban-seconds 600
--chain beta_testnet
--public-addr <PUBLIC_ADDR>
- 9944:9944
- 30333:30333
# Start the service
docker-compose up -d
Synchronizing blocks will take more time, and we provide snapshots to speed up chain startup. Reference run a chain via snapshot.
Some of the built-in terminals will recognize space characters as indent characters during code copying, which may lead to YAML program runtime errors. Please check and replace it.
Configure the sgx server
# Back to root catalog
cd ..
# Pull github repositories
git clone
# Install the sgx driver
apt update
apt install build-essential automake autoconf libtool wget python libssl-dev dkms
bash sgx_linux_x64_driver_1.41.bin
# View sgx status
cd mining-scripts && ./sgx-detect
Modify keyring.toml configuration file
Please check out the latest DHC bootnodes here in advance and do the replacement if changed.
external_multiaddrs: Exposing the server's external IP is important, thereby increasing the reward.
# Enter the configuration mode of keyring.toml file
vim configs/keyring.toml
# Modify the file internally as follows:
node_ws_url = "ws://"
# import your wallet public address starting with "0x" and do the replacement
device_owner = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
# database path
db_path = "/host/data"
# tokio console port
console_port = 5555
#This corresponds to using an image, epid=1, dcap=2
attestation_style = 2
exe_policy = { Multiply = { executors = 8 } }
# database start option
create_if_missing = true
atomic_flush = true
port = 38700
boot_nodes =["/ip4/","/ip4/"]
share_peer_interval = 30
only_global_ips = true
protocol_id = "betatestnet"
#external_multiaddrs = ["/ip4/"]
Modify sgx_default_qcnl.conf file
Try the local solution hereif you can't find the solutions for the cloud services below.
# Enter the configuration mode of qcnl.conf file
vim configs/sgx_default_qcnl.conf
# Modify the file internally as follows:
# Ali Cloud
# [Region-ID] is the region of the server you purchased, like cn-hongkong and etc.
# you can refer to
"pccs_url": "https://sgx-dcap-server.[Region-ID]",
"use_secure_cert": true, # To accept insecure HTTPS cert, set this option to FALSE
"retry_times": 6,
"retry_delay": 10,
"pck_cache_expire_hours": 168
# Tencent Cloud
"pccs_url": "",
"use_secure_cert": true, # To accept insecure HTTPS cert, set this option to FALSE
"retry_times": 6,
"retry_delay": 10,
"pck_cache_expire_hours": 168,
"verify_collateral_cache_expire_hours": 168
# Microsoft Cloud
"pccs_url": "",
"use_secure_cert": true, # To accept insecure HTTPS cert, set this option to FALSE
"retry_times": 6,
"retry_delay": 10,
"pck_cache_expire_hours": 168
Modify docker-compose file (Optional)
You need to change the configuration here and replace the "<version_no>" underneath only when the official image version is updated, please refer to this link for the exact version information.
Before changing version numbers, make sure your device is in Standby status, or not registered. Otherwise, you will be punished.
Please maintain your image of the DHC server by updating it with the latest official version.
You can follow this step by step:
1. Exit the service
Device upgrades must be performed on "Standby" status.
If the device is on "Serving" status, it must be exited before starting the upgrade. If the device is on "Exiting" status, wait up to one day until the process is complete before proceeding.
2. Update the script file
# Shut down the script and back up your data
docker-compose down && mv data/ data-bak/
# Replace the image version of the device
# 0.12.x is your current version and 0.12.0 is the latest version
sed -ri 's/0.12.x/0.12.19/g' docker-compose.yaml
# Restart the service
docker-compose up -d
Then check out the version of your device on the Node Explorer.
3. Rejoin the service
You can join the service again after all the steps above are done and wait until the device changes to "Serving" status.
4. Remove backup data (Optional)
rm -rf data-bak/
Case Study
If you're facing problems in the setup process, try to find a solution here.