Network configuration

To build AMT bridges on Bool Network, builders are required to send several transactions on the Bool chain.

Just to remind you that at the early stage of the Bool chain, it is specialized as a distributed ledger to record vital information about committees, and cross-chain bridges.

Hence, before carrying on, please follow the guides in this section to set up the Bool chain in your wallet. Without loss of generality, we take MetaMask as an example.

Configuration information


Network name

Bool Testnet


Chain ID


Currency symbol


Block explorer URL (optional)

tBOL refers to the native token on the Bool Network testnet chain. One can request tBOL from the official faucet.

NOTE that tBOL has no trading value at the current stage. It serves testing purposes only.

Configure MetaMask for Bool testnet

  1. Open MetaMask from the browser extensions.

  2. Click on your network list on the top, and click Add network.

  3. By clicking on Add a network manually, you should view the following page:

  4. Finally, input the configuration information provided above to finish the set-up procedure.

  5. Configurations! The network configuration has been done, now you can request test tokens from the faucet and follow the subsequent instructions to construct your AMT bridges.

Last updated