Build a bridge

NOTE that for security considerations, a committee can only be used once in Bool Network. Hence, building a bridge requires a minimum of two available committees.

  1. Move to Bridge the subpage under the Dashboard section.

Build a bridge - Starting building
  1. Choose one of the chains from our supported list and a committee you have created. By clicking on Deploy, an Anchor deployment transaction will be triggered where the committee selected will be automatically assigned to the Anchor to be created.

  1. When you have deployed at least two Anchors on independent chains, you can choose either to create an AMT bridge by clicking Submit or to continue adding more chains to your bridge (also you can add more chains after the bridge construction).

  1. A few moments later, you should see a newly created bridge with several primary information, including committees' configurations, Anchor addresses and other related.

  1. Congratulations! You have created your first bridge on Bool Network. Now you can jump to the next section to finish your omni-chain application building process.

NOTE that it may take a moment to record information for a newly created bridge. Hence, it is normal to encounter the reminder of "Synchronizing contracts" when you hit the Sumbit immediately after the last anchor has been deployed.

Reach out to us if the problem persists.

Last updated