
Bool Network is currently conducting online testing for its point rewards campaign on Beta Testnet. This testing phase aims to evaluate the campaign's functionality, identify potential issues, and gather user feedback before a full-scale launch.

The campaign portal:

There are three types of point rewards in the campaign.

Cross-Chain Rewards

  • Earn 200 points for each cross-chain transaction of BTC, BRC20, and Runes.

  • All SAVM bridge-related point rewards are increased by 10%.

Staking Rewards

  • Earn 1 point per day for every 1000 tBOL staked.

  • Points are distributed daily based on the total staked balance of each address.

Social Rewards

  • Invitation codes will only be activated after completing one of the three cross-chain, staking, and social campaign tasks and earning points. Using an inactive invitation link or invitation code will not result in any registration points, referral points, or second-level referral points.

  • Each inviter address or invitation code has a maximum invitation limit of 1,000 invitees. Once this limit is exceeded, subsequent invitations using the same address or code will not be eligible for corresponding first-level or second-level invitation points rewards.

Referral Rewards

  • Invitees earn 10 points for each successful referral.

Registration Rewards

  • New users earn 1 point upon their first log-in using an invitation link or manually entering an invitation code.

  • To be eligible for the registration reward, please use an invitation link or code during registration.

Second-Level Referral Rewards

  • 1 point will be awarded to first-level inviters upon successful registration of their second-level invitees.

Social Campaign Rewards

  • Points are awarded for participating in social campaigns. TaskOn is the first partner of social campaign tools.

  • We use campaign tools like TaskOn to collect your social activity points. These points are automatically added to your BOOL points balance once per day for accurate tracking. So you can focus on completing tasks and earning rewards!

Last updated